The Company will use its best endeavours to manage the environmental impact of their operational business associated with construction and shop-fitting, both in the workshop and on sites of varying nature, in such a way as to produce minimum environmental disturbance.
The Company is committed to seek and to achieve continual improvement in its environmental performance and to prevent pollution. It will endeavour to fully comply with all Regulations and statutory requirements affecting the environment.
The Company will ensure that management, employees and sub-contractors are aware of and are informed of relevant environmental issues and will take reasonable actions to comply with the requirements of current statutory legislation.
The Company will use the best available techniques not entailing excessive costs (BATNEEC) to:
- Ensure that organisational and management resources are sufficient to implement and maintain this Environmental Policy.
- Communicate the Policy at all levels and shall ensure that all employees understand the Policy requirements and implementations.
- Supervise the implementation and further develop this Environmental Policy when necessary.
- Immediately make available this Policy on request to any Client or others who may request it.
- Monitor the work of employees, sub-contractors (including the self employed) to ensure continuation and subsequent improvement of the Company’s requirements and performance standards.
- Ensure that the Environmental Policy is regularly revised and updated to consider new or amended legislation, new operational activities, products or services.
Environmental Objectives.
- To use its best endeavours to avoid pollution to the air, ground and water courses.
- To minimise waste through the careful utilisation of raw materials and energy.
- To use its best endeavours to use materials and products that are re-useable or recyclable.
- To ensure where reasonably practicable that all activities are carried out with the minimum disturbance to neighbours, occupants, residents with due-allowance for local needs.
- To ensure that plant and company vehicles are properly maintained in an efficient state and working order.
- Disposal of waste from activities in a responsible manner with strict adherence to Environment Agency requirements and statutory provision.
- To provide and comply with a Company Waste Management Plan